
About Me

image of Kelly waving

hi there!

I’m Kelly, and I’ll take care of the techy stuff so you don’t have to!

Everyone wants a website that showcases their products and services in a way that aligns with their brand, and having a website that is fast and secure is a huge part of that! But things are often easier said than done…especially when it comes to dealing with tech, #amiright?

I get it, and you don’t have to do it alone!

If the thought of updating your website has you going cross-eyed (or you find the whole thing too overwhelming to even start), please reach out! Shoot me a message so we can talk about what you need, and see if we’re a good fit.


Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You’re a new small business and you know you need a web presence, but you have no idea where to begin.
  • You have a website, but you dread sharing it because it’s so outdated or no longer aligns with your brand.
  • You have a brand-new WordPress website, and it looks awesome! But you’re not sure how to maintain it so it performs at its best.
  • Your business is growing (YES!!) and you’re getting too busy to continue the maintenance yourself.
  • You simply want to have a go-to “web person” to handle the day-to-day stuff.

I can help!

Whether your website is old, outdated, or nonexistent, I can get you set up with a web presence you’re proud to show off. Read more about my process and pricing here!

If your website is in decent shape but you’re tired of all the maintenance and upkeep, check out my Website Care & Support Plans and see which one would work best for your business!

Still not sure? Reach out and let’s chat!

woman sitting at laptop with coffee in hand
“A website should be designed such that a visitor should go to the cart with confidence, and not to your contact page with confusion.”
Amit Kalantri

contact me

Ready to get started?

Feel free to reach out with any questions or to schedule a consultation! You can send a message through my contact form by clicking the button below:

Contact Me